Home Success Stories Timothy Pratt
Since 2018, Timothy Pratt has served as the Program Director for the Capital Area Boys and Girls Club. As an alumnus, Timothy knows firsthand how important it is for youth to have a positive afterschool environment. The two programs Timothy oversees in local housing program community centers benefit from his lived experience.
By providing programming in the community center of local housing authorities, Boys and Girls Club staff can offer afterschool services and outreach throughout the year. With this low barrier to entry, the Boys and Girls Club are able to reach even more kids that need the support of these programs but who may not otherwise have access to them.
Since it can be a struggle to find healthy food options in these communities, both sites that Timothy oversees include Heathy Habits, a food program that only offers healthy food options, but also incorporates nutrition education and operates a food pantry from which members of the community can shop.
It’s not surprising that Timothy says that the best part about being program director is “connecting with families and youth in the community.” Timothy values afterschoool because it provides a safe place where youth can go after the school day and a structured environment where they can bond with peers, acquire knowledge, and receive homework help.