Home Help
Why should I register and set up an account?
You must be a registered user to access Afterschool Pathfinder’s job alerts or to post a job opening. Setting up an account unlocks access to helpful resources and relevant tips for employers and job seekers.
How do I register and set up an account?
Click the Sign Up button found on the upper right hand of any page on the Pathfinder site. Identify yourself as a job seeker, employer, or both, then fill in the required account information.
How do I conduct a job search?
To conduct a job search, click the Search Jobs tool found in the Jobs section of the site. Use the filters provided to yield results that meet your needs.
What kind of jobs can I post or find on Pathfinder?
Jobs at any level that are connected to programs and organizations that support, educate, and inspire youth beyond traditional school hours can be posted here.
In order to post a job on Pathfinder, you must first register as an employer on the site. If you are new to the Pathfinder site and do not have an account, create an account as an employer.
What are job alerts?
Job alerts provide users with updates (based on stated interests) every time a new job is posted. You can sign up to receive alerts via email by visiting Jobs Alerts.
Additional questions? Contact us.