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Afterschool Pathfinder is a comprehensive career resource for New York’s afterschool professionals. Pathfinder maintains an extensive list of jobs available to the dedicated people who work in afterschool, expanded learning, and other youth programs in New York State.
Pathfinder is the only website where New York’s afterschool professionals can simultaneously research and pursue goals for their organization and their own career.
Afterschool Pathfinder is labor of love, a project maintained and supported by organizations dedicated to the afterschool and expanded learning programs the enrich the lives of New York’s youth.
Pathfinder is a project of New York State Network for Youth Success made possible by generous funding from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation. The Network for Youth Success also greatly appreciates the past support of The Wallace Foundation, the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development, and the Booth Ferris Foundation, who sustained Afterschool Pathfinder for many years.
The Network for Youth Success is dedicated to building a youth-serving system that increases the quality and availability of afterschool and expanded learning programs. The organization supports all programs that promote young people’s intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development outside the traditional school day. The Network connects practice with policy across a broad range of state, regional, and local partners that represent the afterschool, expanded learning, community schools, and youth development fields broadly. To learn more about the New York State Network for Youth Success, visit their website or join their listserv to receive alerts about professional development opportunities, state and federal policy issues, and the latest publications on research and best practices in the afterschool field.